For me personally, the world wants me to say YES to everything it throws at me. I could not accept that. Also, I could not accept the painful thought I had in a very dark moment of being overworked,
insecure about myself (regarding pretty much everything, from body image to personality) and overwhelmed by constantly being available to everyone:
“If I say YES once more, I will lose myself completely, but I guess, this is what is expected of me, too.”
Me feeling helpless in my anger luckily turned into saying NO more often. Just as I see my inner critic as a being that is not myself entirely, it helped to imagine a “NO being”, impersonating wilderness, truth, wisdom, protection and strength. That part of me is less anxiety-ridden, it stays calm and knows how to steer through a storm. To me, it is a very badass non-binary/trans person, as mostly non-bi nary/trans people have unknowingly taught me not to accept every shit society throws at me e.g. concerning who I am, how I look, what I am able and willing to give, if I am allowed to show anger etc.